Retail Link, a complete Omnichannel platform that can link online and offline channels, is a one-of-a-kind and important requirement for merchants that want to sell online and offline now more than before. The Retail Link Platform Connector synchronizes inventory between Retail Pro and eCommerce automatically. Retail LINK integrates POS to the web store and online channels, allowing different sales channels to exchange master inventory data from Retail Pro POS.


POS  integration with eCommerce platforms like Amazon and Shopify allows brick-and-mortar retailers to sell items more effectively on global marketplaces. Remove manual data input, eliminate copy-pasting, and keep track of all your items in one spot. The retail link links RetailPro with an eCommerce shopping cart and synchronizes inventory across all marketplaces and physical locations immediately, improving consumer happiness, rankings, and operational efficiency. As a result, management expenses are decreased and profit margins are increased.

Integrate POS

Integrate POS with Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, & Amazon


pos integration with ecommerce

Unique Customer Experience

Customers are using a larger number of channels in their buying journey, causing problems for merchants that must deliver consistent experiences across all channels in order to satisfy their customers' expectations. Unlike a traditional shop, our approach to OMNI Channel retailing does not rely solely on the visitor's physical interaction with the merchandise to generate a sale. Maintaining a store is always a struggle for businesses. with the help of Retail Link, end customers will acquire items on various well-integrated channels, producing a smooth experience, thereby meeting their need and satisfying their happiness.

pos integration

Seamless Integration

The ability to market POS items to the web from an easy-to-use interface allows the store entire control over the development and management of inventory, catalog navigation, and catalog navigation. We are E-Commerce POS integration specialists who have earned the trust of merchants and POS suppliers worldwide. Retail link Syncs Inventory Quantity from multiple Retail Outlets in RP to Web Store. Retailers can Create collections/ categories from Retail Link to Magento/Shopify/Woo Commerce. Frequent Qty updates, from the POS to the Web with no manual intervention, can be easily done with the Retail Link integration.

pos integration

Sales orders, Auto invoicing

Eliminate duplicate and manual data entry on your web store & POS. Once Sales orders fulfilled in RP have status (Shipped/Delivered) updated fetched from POS and updated to the Web store Can facilitate Catalog and cart rules applied to Web Orders. Separated web and store sales reports within Retail Pro. Update sale and promotional prices from Price levels in RP to Web Store Shift to Original prices of items once the sale period is crossed through Retail Link. Maintain all customer records in RP with the help of Retail Link. Have thresholds applied to the Qtys obtained from diff stores/subs before syncing to Web.

Top Capabilities


✪Sync Inventory Quantity from multiple Retail Outlets in RP to Web Store

✪Flexible Mapping of All Product Attributes from POS to Web

✪Price & Cost updates from POS to Web Store

✪Have thresholds applied to the Qtys obtained from diff stores/subs before syncing to Web

✪Create collections/ categories from Retail link to Magento/Shopify/WooCommerce

✪Frequent Qty updates from the POS to Web with no manual intervention

✪Upload images for products in RetailLink for Web


✪Obtain all customer account details from the ecommerce platform to RetailPro automatically for marketing purposes.

✪Maintain all customer records in RP with the help of RetailLink.

Price Level

✪Update sale and promotional prices from Price levels in RP to Web Store

Shift to Original prices of items once the sale period is crossed through RetailLink


Sales orders, Auto invoicing

✪Automatically downloaded web store orders in Retail Pro for fulfillment

✪Eliminate duplicate and manual data entry on your web store & POS

✪Obtain Full order details from Web order such as:

Web Order Number                                       Tax

Customer Bill To name                                  Shipping Cost

Bill to Address                                                 Shipping Method

Ship to Name                                                  Coupon Code

Ship to Address                                              Gross Total

Email address                                                 Discount if any

Phone Number                                              Item Unit Price

Item Code (ALU, UPC/Global UPC..)          Item Name

Item Quantity

✪Once Sales orders fulfilled in RP have status (Shipped/Delivered) updated fetched from POS and updated to the Web store

✪Can facilitate Catalog and cart rules applied to Web Orders.

✪Separated web and store sales reports within Retail Pro.


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